[Maths Class Notes] on Bodmas Rule Pdf for Exam

In logic-oriented subjects like mathematics, the order of operations is a set of standard rules that reflect conventions about which process to perform first to evaluate a given numerical expression. With a basic summation that just has two numbers and one single operation, or sign, it’s easy to calculate the result. Either you perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.


BODMAS can be defined as the set of operations that have to be performed first and the conventions that have to be followed. Failing this would lead to a wrong answer. So it is very important to practice and remember BODMAS and follow it whenever it is required.

If you calculate in the wrong order you will get the answer wrong. So learn the order systematically. The bracket comes first, next is the exponents, division multiplication, addition, and then the subtraction.


What exactly is BODMAS?

BODMAS is a set of rules or an order to perform an arithmetic expression so that evaluation becomes easier. Mathematics is all about logic and certain rules are mandatory to be followed. BODMAS is one of them which if not followed the whole answer can go wrong and end up in losing the marks unnecessarily.


BODMAS can be further defined as standard rules for simplifying the expression having multiple operators.


Athematic expressions have mainly two components that are Numbers and operators:

Numbers are the values for making calculations and representing the quantities. There are natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers.

The Operators is the combination of two characters that form an expression or the equation. The most common are addition, multiplication. Division and subtraction. Any expression having just one operator, the solving becomes easy but when there are multiple operators it becomes a little tough.


According to BODMAS when we have to solve an expression we have to first solve the expression with brackets then with the exponents, division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction. The order has to be remembered while solving the equations. If you just do without following this rule you will get the answer wrong. 

For example: 

See the equation (3+4)5+6-2

According to BODMAS: 

  • The first step is to add the numerical that is in the bracket that is 3+4=7

  • The next step is to multiply 7 with 5=7×5=35

  • The next step is to add 35+6=41

  • Then subtract 2 that is 41-2=39

Whenever an equation is involved with bracket, addition, subtraction BODMAS has to be followed. This acronym is created so that it is easier to remember.

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