[Maths Class Notes] on Area of an Octagon Formula Pdf for Exam

Among different mathematical branches, geometry is a vital one. In geometry, the students have to read about different shapes and figures and their formulas. Polygon is one of the most important geometrical shapes. The smallest polygon with three sides is called a triangle. The polygon having eight sides is called an octagon. If all the sides of an octagon are equal, that is called the regular octagon. Here, we are going to discuss the area of an octagon formula.

Formula of Regular Octagon

Here, we are providing the area of regular octagon formula briefly. Assuming all the sides of a regular octagon as ‘a’, the area of octagonal surface formula is  2a2(1+√2). The students can also read the derivation of the area of regular octagon formula. The perimeter of a regular octagon is 8a. The length of the diagonal is a√(4 + 2√2).

Octagonal Prism Volume Formula

Prism is a geometrical 3D figure. It can have several sides. A prism having eight sides is called an octagonal prism. The area of octagon with apothem is perimeter × apothem / 2, which is also the volume of an octagonal prism. 


Different problems on the octagon appear in the geometry exam. The students should learn the formula of an octagon correctly so that they can solve problems on an octagon easily. After learning the formulas, they have to memorize them to apply them properly. 

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